Lower Hutt wins the battle of the Hutt Valley with the latest Capital Values being up 73.5% from September 2016. This is higher than Upper Hutt, where Capital Values increased by 42.5%.
Take a look on homes.co.nz to see your new CV and how your property performed against the rest of your neighbourhood! The median HomesEstimate in Lower Hutt is now $573k, up 8% from this time last year.
The largest increase was seen in Taita where CVs doubled from $235k to $470k. This contrasts with Lowry Bay, Lower Hutt’s most expensive suburb, where CVs only increased by 25.7%. It is important to remember that capital values are only an estimate of a property’s value at a point of time and these large changes highlight how out of date these can become.
For a more accurate and up-to-date estimate of a property’s value, we suggest using homes.co.nz’s HomesEstimates. These are calculated each month using up-to-date sales information and track trends in your area.