Showcase your point of difference

Your Premium Agent profile on is your opportunity to promote your personal brand and showcase what sets you apart. It helps to give potential buyers and sellers an understanding of who you are and how you go about achieving results for your clients and customers. It allows you to demonstrate your skills and expertise; communicate your recent and full sales history as well as provide detail on any awards you’ve received. 

Online research is a big part of how people choose which agents they would like to engage with. This is your opportunity for a great first impression, and first impressions last.

Is your profile up to date? Does it provide detail on all of your awards? Do you have a video? Uploading an introduction video is a great way to further personalise your profile. 

During these changing times, have you considered updating your profile to reflect on the current environment and how you’re able to help potential buyers or sellers during this time? Like the fact that you’re happy to offer general advice on the market or that you are providing virtual appraisals. This kind of personalisation can help to make you stand out from the crowd and might even be just what a potential seller is looking for right now.

As we all continue to adapt, we want to continue to help you to do the same. So if you’re interested in updating your profile, either log in to the agent portal or email any changes you would like made to

The team is keen to help!
